My niece, helping my little nephew along.

All five of the grandchildren in one place...for the first time ever.

Hanging out in the "O" in California Adventure. This sign is being taken down so I am glad I got this shot.

My nephew, J (for the sake of privacy) loves his daddy (my brother) so much that it brings tears to my eyes. He also doesn't scream or cry when he is afraid. He is afraid of trains. He will say,"Buh bye train... see you soon." or (with the Bart Simpson live character) buh bye Bart, see you soon..." The funniest was in the Shrek 4-D attraction. "Buh Bye pigs (3 little pigs), thanks for all the fun. See you soon."

Apparently, he also likes cartoon girls in zebra bikinis. He is a wonderfully sweet and funny little boy.
We are home, and I am relieved that I made it through. It was nice to have a big group to go with. There was a bit of angst and frustration, but we didn't rip each other apart. A very good thing.
I am now facing a very tough week ahead. It hit me at the dentist's while scheduling another root canal. She scheduled it for monday, which is Leonard's birthday...which also means that 5 days later is our anniversary. Only there's no year to celebrate. I hope I make it through this.
One day at a time.
I am so glad you had a good vacation. Your brother and his family are so cute!!!
I am glad you are home and that you had a good time. Sounds like you are in for a very difficult week emotionally and a root canal on top of it, wow. I am sending good wishes, hugs, and prayers.
I loved the pictures. I lived in California from the age of 12 until the age of 26, I feel like that is where I am from and it is the place I lived the longest. I haven't been there in 13 years. I am trying to convince the family that we need to take our next vacation there. There is no place like California.
Looks like everyone had fun! We're here for you sweetie!!hughugs
Welcome home, Sweetie! Looks like you guys had a WONDERFUL trip!! :o)
You'll get through next week the same way you've gotten through this year, one moment, one breath, one day at a time. You've done so well and we're all here for you rootin' you on.
Hang in there and know we all love you and are praying for you!
I'm glad you had a nice vacation. You'll make it through the next week just fine. Look how far you have come already.
Thinking of Leonard today on his birthday and of you and your kids. I don't know any of you except through your blog, but your love shines through the words.
Hugs to you during this rough week and always.
It looks like you guys had a very deserving good time!
Laura, haven't been by in a while, just getting caught up. Looks like you had a great visit with your brother and family.
This must be so difficult for you on Leonard's BD; hang in there during this very tough time...
Sorry I've been gone so long. Haven't forgotten you. Just keeping myself busy.
I'm glad you had a good time. Nothing like a vacation and visiting family. :)
Take care. Will be thinking of you. You're doing good. Hang in there. Baby steps.
You will make it through because you must. Sometimes that is the only reason left, but it's the reason.
Thinking of you.
Great photos. And you'll make it. I was thinking just what nance said above. It's a sucky reason, but there it is. You're a tough cookie, lady.
Love the pics, thanks for sharing. :)
Good luck getting through this week. It will be hard, but you can do it. Look at everything you've gotten through so far, none of it fun or easy, but we have to take each day as it comes, and hang on. That sounds like a greeting card. Sorry for that. But hang on, honey, you'll get through.
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