(although I caught him checking it out the other morning at 2 am...he says it's because the girls are "hot" but we then had a lengthy discussion on Anchal's "issues")
Also, what about that show on the BBC... "How Clean is Your House"? My husband and I cannot help ourselves; we tivo and watch it like a train wreck in progress. Are people's homes seriously that disgustingly gross? I confess-three times I have literally gagged and ran for the bathroom. Especially when Aggie (who really appears to get into the scientific tests while Kim is the S&M style give it all you got, whip you into shape you Naughty, naughty dog type) does her "results". Please don't read further if you are easily grossed out, for I fear I shall yak just by typing this but, "fecal matter in the kitchen?" ack! "Dust mite poop being breathed in?? *gurgle* Okay, that's enough... Bleh. Again, no idea. But we are avid tuner inners. And, I always feel infinitely better about my own...er...cleaning skills after a half hour or so of watching. I mean, at least I have no silver fish scuttling through my kitchen, after all, and my oven is clean.
And, I still think Nik was a better high fashion model than Nicole... so there. Maybe I am partial to the name.
did anyone else notice how anchal ate like a whole dozen eggs as a midnight snack once..and then sat whining about her weight...i was alll whaaa and then i was like hmm eggs sound nice
I missed this cycle of ANTM, but I too must confess that I love that show. Miss Jay? Love her!
MM, we never could figure Anchal out. First she would gain our sympathies and then it would be like, "enough with the flipping whining already..."
I know, Karla! I love the Jay's. Miss Jay has got awesome legs.
I have been spared the addiction to ANTM, but am currently infatuated with Battlestar Galactica.
I am afraid (very afraid) to tune into Battlestar, based on the varying stages of addiction I have read about on other blogs.
So, I clicked on over to your site (thanks for stopping by!), and what do you know? A POST ABOUT TV! WHEE!
OK, that How Clean is Your House show? I have seriously gagged. The parts where they show the toilets that haven't been cleaned in YEARS? HOLD ME. I think that show exists solely to make the rest of us feel better. You cannot walk away from that show without feeling at least a little better about your housekeeping skillz.
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