Thursday, November 19, 2009

What's That You Say??

James and I were driving to the mall tonight to meet a friend. He was flipping through the channels, and not finding much of anything. Hard to believe he can find not much of anything on an XM radio but there you have it. A few minutes into it he turns to me and says, "Hey, look! They changed the name to the Holy Channel." Say what? Yes, that's right. The channel is already up and running on XM and I couldn't be more irritated about it. Really? Does this mean I can just skip Thanksgiving? Can I just tell you that I really don't want to walk down holly bedecked mall halls yet?

It was a good night. We met the friend, did some shopping (I'm not telling you what for because there will be more laughing and pointing of fingers) and then tried to catch part of my niece's basketball game. Okay, not really. We were trying to find her mother to give her something we bought her. We stopped by her house, and while we were standing there waiting for her to not come to the door, I remembered the game. We got there with 22 seconds to spare. I am a terrific aunt. I am a terrific aunt because I make other aunts look better when they show up at the halfway mark. Hey, I remembered...sort least.

The "Black Friday" leaks are out...While a Blue Ray for $78 sounds fun, I think I'll be sleeping. I did "Black Friday" once and realized that, by the end of the morning, all of the things that I had purchased could have been purchased at noon for the same price.


Sarah said...

Totally agree about Black Friday. I've done it twice- both times dragged along with female relatives, and not really of my own volition- and the things I was excited to get were always things they had plenty of and I could have just strolled in that afternoon and found one.

Jeanette said...

I absolutely never shop Black Friday. It's crazy. I usually stay home and start my decorating. Actually, for the first time I really plan on doing the majority of my Christmas shopping online. I just don't feel like dealing with the stores this year!

Donna said...

I'm with you on the Black Friday...What a scam! Happy weekend sweetie!hughugs

Rach said...

I have NEVER done Black Friday, and I don't think I ever will. Of course, you know what they say about saying never...

Shelly said...

My mother used to drag me shopping on Black Friday every year and now that I'm an adult I refuse to go.

misguided mommy said...

omfg two of our radio stations here have already gone all christmas all the time and i want to bash my stereo with a fucking tire iron